
Friday, June 11, 2010

You like me.. You reeally like me!

Who knew? Not me. Sadly it wasn't until someone sent me a "Congrats" comment, did I realized that I had been given an award. It made me smile :o)
Two Bears Farm gave me The Versatile Blogger Award.
So the rules of the award are this:1. Thank the person who gave you the award 2. Tell seven things about yourself3. Pass the award on to 15 other bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!(in no particular order)4. Let them know you have awarded them the prize.

So in following the rules (Not something I'm always good at LOL)

Here are 7 things about me that you may or may not know.

1. I LOVE everything about the ocean. Especially SHARKS! I have way to much useless information stuck upstairs about sharks. During Shark Week on the Discovery Channel.. Forget it! I'm not leaving the house.
2. I am afraid of the water. Yeah.. I know. Silly right? It's my primary fascination.. and biggest fear at the same time. Maybe I just know to much about the things that live in there. LOL
3. I am a HUGE fan of my husband. He truly is my best friend. I think we make a great team and I will have no problem taking you down if you say anything bad about him.
4. I struggle with Fibromyalgia. Some days are better than others.. but even if it's a good day I have to choose my battles. I try very hard to stay positive, but good grief that's hard some days.
5. My beautiful little family gives me a new purpose. I adore them more that I could ever express.
6. I was married at Sunrise on Tybee Island Beach almost 5 years ago.
and last but not least...
7. The ladies that I have found through blogger land, have been a community that I have truly enjoyed! You may have a blog helping others learn about homeschooling, teaching others about new ways to spice up your meals (Muffin Tin Monday, Bentos,..) or you simply agree with me, that this adventure we call motherhood is AWESOME!, :o)

And Now... The Awards go to... *drum roll*

1.Two Bears Farm
2. Mama & Company
3. The Martin Zoo (Deserved but is a private blog, so I don't think you will be able to see it)
4. Muffin Tin Monday Blog
5. JDaniel's Mom
6. No Time For Flash Cards
7. Lunchbox Limbo
8. Sippy Cup Central
9. The Fantastic Five
10. The Crafty Crow
11. In The Kitchen With Audrey
12. What's For Lunch At Our House
13. Funny Days With Mommy and Maddie
14. Confessions Of A Homeschooler
15. Adventures Of A Flake
Now that I have listed a few of my favorites.. You ladies ROCK! Thank You for sharing ideas and tips with the rest of us. You make the blogger community ROCK!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday~ Circles

There was no official theme this week. I decided that circles would be pretty easy and she thought it was "sooo FUN!"
I couldn't find my camera this morning.. so I took a picture with my phone and stole it off of facebook. LOL it may not be a picture of much quality.. but you get the idea. LOL

Clockwise: Honey Nut Cheerios, Banana, Fruit Loops, Strawberries, more Banana, and grapes cut in half to show the circle.
For our "craft".. I think we will play with bubbles and find circles around the house. I know.. I'm being a little lazy this week.. but after last week, I need a break. LOL
(For those who don't know.. Our landlords had a bunch of trees cut down and over growth cleared out. (YAY!!!!) Then the guys cut our cable line and split. (Booo!) After a few days with no cable or Internet, it got fixed. (YAY! *happy dance*) Tree guys come back to finish the job. Then to make a long story short there was a incident that included a rather large truck, our fiberglass septic tank, and what is now a great big hole in our yard! (BOOO Hiss!) Then we came home Sat after a nice visit with my family.. only to find our AC had somehow turned into a block of ice! (*Laughs* to keep form crying!) It is currently working well enough until the AC guy gets here.. Last night though.. Strawberry Margaritas! :o) (I don't even care that B&B woke up twice last night. LOL
Our poor landlords live in Ohio and are having to deal with all of this from quite a distance. Ohio -> SC. LOL I should mention that to my knowledge they have handled this very well.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Separated at birth?

We got to see How to Train Your Dragon recently. To our surprise.. Bunny has decided that Our cat Massey looks like Toothless (The Night Fury from HTTYD) She has renamed our poor kitty and will correct you if you call her Massey. LOL
Bunny thought it was EXTRA funny when "Toothless" started chasing a reflection on the wall.. just like the dragon.

Massey.. errrr Toothless has been very understanding about bringing the 2 legged creatures home and allowing them to share the common areas. She's always been very skittish.. I was so proud of her for allowing Bunny to even pet her over the past couple of years. To my shock she didn't get upset Bunny when she forcefully pointed out that Massey has eyes.. by poking her in one of them. But I was SHOCKED when she allowed Bunny to pick her up!! Not once.. but twice to bring her to Daddy. Bunny: "Daddy.. Do you want a dragon? Do you want a Toothless? Ok.. Here you go." Hubby to Massey: "Thank you for not eating the child." followed by gentle pets. All Massey did was have a look on her face as if to say... " I NEED AN ADULT! I NEED AN ADULT!!" LOL